KSE is a member of the EU Federation of Associations for Hunting and the Conservation of Wild Fauna (FACE ). The current KSE Chairman holds the Deputy Chairman’s position and dynamically participates on the organization’s boards and at the general meetings and influences policymaking on hunting in Europe as well as decision making. With this active role, KSE participates in the relevant EU decision-making bodies on hunting, the management of wildlife, the conservation of nature and ensures that complete updating is available to Greek Hunters on issues related to hunting developments at a European and international level. Especially in relation to the significant problems confronted by Southern Europe and Mediterranean countries on hunting activity, KSE, through its participation in FACE, highlights the different needs and requirements of Southern Europe.

Furthermore, KSE is a member of the International Council for Hunting and the Conservation of Wildlife (CIC), the Organisation for Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic (OMPO), the European Traditional Hunting Organisation (AECT), and the Council for Hunting and Wildlife Protection of the Balkan Countries.

KSE in Greece is a key institutional collaborator of the Ministry of Environment in relation to the annual regulatory decisions on hunting and in respect of the documentation it collaborates with Higher Greek Educational Institutions and specialists scientists. Furthermore, on a variety of other issues related to the management of hunting, sustainable hunting activity, public health (avian influenza and rabies) and environmental protection, KSE is a key collaborator and assistant to various agencies and departments (e.g. YPAT , Decentralised Management, and Forestry Services).

In order to achieve its objectives, KSE has developed a network of collaborations with a number of agencies, organizations, government departments and higher education institutions in Greece and Abroad. KSE has sought and successfully implemented all of these collaborations. The contribution and coordination is required by everyone responsible for ensuring an effective hunting policy and sustainable hunting activities, which must of course be combined with ensuring environmental protection.

Challenges of a national or international character are required since environmental problems are multifaceted and do not respect borders. E.g., the effects of climate change, migration by birds, avian influenza, etc. must be treated through joint contributions.
It must be emphasized that the intervention by KSE through the issue of the annual regulatory decision is a catalyst that has resulted in major restrictions on the hunting of species in regions and at times being avoided, which would have been disastrous for hunting and without any essential significance to environmental protection.